Saturday, May 30, 2009

282: twin cities farmer's markets

Week One's "haul": Lychee, sweet peas, and cherries from the Hmong market on Como in St Paul (near Frogtown), and radishes and romaine at the Mill City Market, which meets between the Mill City Museum and the Guthrie Theatre.

Also: a frangipane and pear tart as well as a blueberry, sour cream, and lime tart from the Queen of Tarts booth at the Mill City Market. They were both so good.

They didn't last long.

Tonight we're brewing a honey wheat beer. It's been put in the carboy, sharing a towel with its partner the barley wine. I'm hoping neither explode onto the ceiling as they are wedged between two bookshelves, and I unwisely have my collections of signed poetry books atop said bookcases.

One local summer starts up (today is the last day to sign up!), and I'm thinking about those radishes. Farm to Philly has some recipes here to try out. This recipe for cherry tarts doesn't include a box of instant vanilla pudding, so there's hope for local making and an experiment with my new adoration of mini-pies. Oh, and in case I thought I would simply eat them raw (as we tried them in the car), here is a collection of lychee recipes. The muffins seem to be calling my name. June first is the start date, and I liked having my posts on Mondays last summer, so I think I'll try the same again this year.

Anyone have any recipes for any of the above market items you want to recommend? I love how this challenge not only allows me to celebrate something I value, but also requires I stretch myself in the kitchen--something I haven't been doing for quite some time. It gets so easy to make soup and bread in the winter, and the winter is so long here. Now that it's spring, I'm celebrating easy vegetables (asparagus, squash, etc.) but nothing that has too many steps. I'm ready for that now.

Happy summer eating!


shari said...

did you see clotilde's recipe for radish leaf pesto? we like our radishes sliced thinly, in sherry vinegar, with salt and pepper for a snack.

KeLL said...

Those tarts look awesome!