This is where I left off: our evening of August 1, drinking too many Shiner Bochs and Lone Stars.
The next morning, Chelsea had to work, and Cole had to work on clearing out their old apartment. Ryan helped, while I lazed about, reading the Texas Poetry Calendar.
We also went to the Austin Wildlife Sanctuary, where animals who were either imprinted on humans or disabled to the point of inability to return to the wild live:
It was a good, laid-back visit. We tasted a lot of great Austin fare, I did get to go to a bookstore (where, interestingly enough, I picked up a signed copy of Michael Dickman's first book, thinking he was an Austin poet, but, after Bread Loaf, I've learned the two are from Portland), and I spent good time with my little sister and her boyfriend and my old room mate Eric.
The whole Austin photo set is here on Flickr, which has even more grackles than I can handle.
I love the owls!
I loved this post, especially the caracara in the animal sanctuary posters.
Yeah to this post! I've been waiting for you to finish blogging your Austin getaway! Chelsea looks great, happy. =)
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