Sunday, March 22, 2009

244: Spring coming on Middle Sand Lake

Post-trial, post-birthday. We spent part of spring break in Michigan with my grandmother. It was a quiet trip, and with my laptop home and some small health issues, I didn't get as much done as I would have liked. I'm hoping tomorrow I will be able to shake the travel fuzz and focus on grading and essay-writing.


Allison said...

that top photo of your Grandmother is GORGEOUS! a treasure, really! beautiful series.

oma said...

i love that photo of your grandmother, too. what a lovely capture.

KeLL said...

Your grandma is so cute!

Rachel said...

Hi Molly--I found your blog a couple months ago and have really enjoyed reading ever since. I so like your style, your photos, your connection to the natural world... I'm finally getting the chance to comment!

Thanks for sharing your feelings and thoughts about the trial...I can't even imagine the emotion you've been carrying around during that time. Very glad that it is done and you can move on.

Take care!