Thursday, January 15, 2009

197: Thursday is Pink

Past pink: the nose of a cat, the flush of a peony, the hydrangea bush, the sunny spinners in New Orleans, the offering of a peach, the surreal city sunset. And winter pink: the meat of a grapefruit, the pressed skin beneath fingernails, the blush on his cheeks after shoveling snow, the tangle of lips.

I promise not to curse you again, pink. I might not adorn my world with your cotton candy fluff, I may balk at princess costumes and icing on cakes, but I do so love the way you give a subtle glow to strawberries, the way you pave the way to passion, perhaps more like a first crush, the way you burst from the ground in a season I miss so much it hurts.


Chrissy said...

i miss the season of pink also, but this lovely little grapefruit sure helps to pass the time.

Annie said...

I'm generally not a big fan of grapefruit, but your photo just might win me over.

KeLL said...

I'm glad you're slowly enjoying the color pink. In certain shades it is beautiful