Wednesday, January 14, 2009

196: Wednesday is Yellow

Yellow is always bananas, a constant fruit. Yellow is the sun coming in through the slats, nudging us awake and into the snow. Yellow is a cocooning color, something to wrap yourself up in, wait as the day changes.

Two things I've noticed and would like to point out to you:
- The Milkweed Project. (Serendipity: I was just trying to figure out what to do with this fluffy white yarn I have.)
- Last month to order Port2Port custom stationary. It's so sad to see that, along with her shop, ending, but I just know she's got some great creative ventures to pursue. Order while you still can!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to The Milkweed Project. I love your thoughts on yellow. To me, yellow is hopeful, warm and happy.

Richenda said...

I love your photos for color week. But I love your writing about your photos even more! Very inspiring. Thank you.

Rosemary/sonrie said...

liking the yellow...though i haven't had a banana since i read animal, vegetable, miracle and the 100-mile diet/Plenty. I miss them for smoothies.