Friday, January 1, 2010

393: beautiful year, december

I catch mice beneath our upstairs bathroom sink, though I've since put a pause on it with our forest of snow.

I am surprised when the semester ends--didn't it just begin?--and have taken on a whole new subject in my writing, returning to The Bodies exhibit twice in order to explore this muse a bit more.

Meryl and Shawn come up for an afternoon of kale and white bean soup and hiking at Memorial, but the new medicine I'm on (I take this for five days each month) gives me pause. They're patient and the world is gorgeous.

We spend Christmas at the in-laws' with his siblings and nephews. Christmas with children is undoubtedly one of the most magical things indeed, and while we are gone, we have another snowstorm at home, and our neighbors kindly take care of our sidewalks and driveway. When we return, we take the two out to dinner with their sweet daughter Bailey and have a game night at their home afterwards.

I begin to send my chapbook out, even though it's not really truly ready. But it needs me to nudge it out the door in order to blow a little dust off. My fingers are crossed.

Ryan and I sleep through the turning to midnight, though the dogs wake me at half past, and I read for several hours in celebration.

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