Saturday, September 26, 2009

334: more good things

(in our neighborhood, not cropped. love these quiet encounters, so close.)

Saturday: On the Mississippi River with good friends. Wrote a draft of a poem while floating along. Loved that cozy, full feeling of being in-the-moment.

Sunday: Wet dog noses. Waffles for breakfast. Sitting on the back patio with a book. Preparing for a manuscript conference with Adam Zagajewski.

Monday: Sleeping in, if only a little. Reading Michael Ondaatje's The Cinnamon Peeler.

Tuesday: Such a full day! Drove our visiting author to MPR, where I sat quietly in the glass-walled building, listening in on the interview; did not miserably fail in my first catering selection for lunch with author and MFAs; did not topple over as day moved on to teaching and office hours and thesis class; had a wonderful meeting to discuss chapbooks; enjoyed evening visiting author reading.

Wednesday: Long telephone conversation with my oldest and dearest friend. Feels good to simply talk and talk and talk. And talk. Started running with my husband again after dark. Final design for Sunday's well, you-know, arrived; I am smitten.

Thursday: Invitation to a favorite person's engagement party arrived in the mail. Two dogs + me + husband snuggling on the loveseat, a leggy twining. Picking raspberries off the bush.

Friday: To Chanhassen Dinner Theatre for the first time ever, enjoying its cruise-ship swanky glory to celebrate my oldest and dearest friend's upcoming golden birthday. Always amazed at the comfortable rhythm we make. And a double date--complete with gooey dessert. Go, go, go Joe!

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