Monday, March 9, 2009

237: making mozzarella

This Sunday we met at Angie's house, a first homesteading get together, and made mozzarella with this recipe, followed up by homemade pizza. I would say the experiment was a success, and I hope will be the first of many get togethers of this lovely band of women who are interested in making more mindful choices about living. And homemade pizza plus homebrewed wine plus good conversation is always a lovely combination.


shari said...

any tips for those of us who have never made mozzarella?

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is amazing- what a great process and fun thing to do with friends.

xo, K

Julia said...

it was so much fun! we'll definitely have to do it again soon.

shari- i would say that the recipe is very easy to follow. it does help to have some extra hands around too. :)

Molly said...

Shari: Yes, Julia is right, it was an easy recipe, and two people (or more) is good. We also thought it could have used a little salt; it was a bit plain for our liking, though once on a pizza, all the other ingredients made it taste quite good.